
If you are an owner of a 350 Diesel engine, you probrably well know about finding certain parts...and I'm not talking gasket sets and filters....I mean Injectors, Injection pumps, Engine Rebiuld kits, etc...Inside the U.S.A., the local auto parts store may have what you want, or atleast somewhere to send you to get what you need
OutSide the U.S., however may be a real problem for any part...I would Recommend go to a nearby GM Dealer...or if a parts store is available, go to the parts store
I myself have a couple e-mail adresses and a site..listed below, The second I find more connections, they will be on this page, same day! stay with me, keep checkin up on this page every so often...I will do the best I can to help you and I as owners find good quality 350 Diesel Parts!

All Of The Sources Listed Below Carry 350 Diesel Parts

If You Know Of Any Parts Sources Contact:


Remanufactured 350 Diesels and cylinder heads
Engines: $1494.00 + 120.00 Freight, no core, long block
E-Mail GM Parts
E-Mail Punlimited Or Call, 1-800-251-9318
E-Mail Bosch Olds
E-Mail Diesel Injection Service
E-Mail JD International Or Call 1-800-683-0379
E-Mail Accelerated Motion


The 350 Diesel Page: